Design and management of amenable and reliable social systems

Department of Business Design and Management (CSE Graduate School)

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Undergraduate Departments and Graduate School Majors/Specialties

Fostering the next generation of leaders for value-creating industries
The demands on business management in the future will include development of new businesses based on cutting-edge technologies, as well as rapid adaptation of existing businesses to meet the challenges of an evolving business environment. The objective of the Business Design and Management Department is to foster the growth of people who are capable of serving as business management leaders for value-creation industries that are based on the tradition of manufacturing which has served as the wellspring of Japan’s competitiveness by developing the imagination and constructivity that are needed to achieve this.

An education program for acquiring practical business management capabilities
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Business Management and Design Department offers education programs with the following characteristics.

A curriculum that focuses on value creation processes, such as development of products and services, and construction and management of supply chains.
Through simulated business experience, engage in exercises and case studies aimed at improving problem solving and issue resolution capability.
Education against an academic background and teachers with abundant experience in industry form the twin pillars of a research guidance system that enables an interchange between theory and experience.

Two types of masters degree programs
The Department of Business Design and Management provides a 2-year general course program primarily for students advancing from the undergraduate division and a 1.5-year special degree program for members of society. In these programs, the ordinary students and the special students from general society work together, offsetting each other’s shortcomings through their respective strengths in a course of self-development-type education. Degrees awarded for majors in management design are “Master of Management Engineering” and “Doctor of Management Engineering.” This department is the first in Japan to award degrees in Management Engineering.

Faculty Profiles

FUKUSHIGE, Shinichi Professor GOTO, Masayuki
Research Field:Life Cycle Engineering
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
Research Field:Applied Information Science,Management Information
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)
KITO, Tomomi
Research Field:Strategic Management for Value Creation
Degree:Doctor of Engineering(The University of Tokyo)
Research Field:Human Life Engineering,Human Factors Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)
Research Field:Service System Design
Degree:Doctor of Commerce (Waseda University)
Research Field:Quality Management,Human Factors Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
NONAKA, Tomomi
OHNO, Takahiro
Research Field:Systems Engineering, Service Engineering
Degree:Doctor of Systems Engineering (Keio University)
Research Field:Profit Engineering,Management Information
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)
ZEMBA, Yuriko
OHMORI, Shunichi Associate Professor
Research Field:Social psychology
Degree:Doctor of Social Psychology (The University of Tokyo)
Research Field:Production and Supply Chain Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)
Associate Professor
Research Field:Social system and Service Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
FUKUSHIGE, Shinichi Professor

Research Field:Life Cycle Engineering
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)

GOTO, Masayuki Professor

Research Field:Applied Information Science,Management Information
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)

KITO, Tomomi Professor

Research Field:Strategic Management for Value Creation
Degree:Doctor of Engineering(The University of Tokyo)

KOMATSUBARA, Akinori Professor

Research Field:Human Life Engineering,Human Factors Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)

MIHARA, Koji Professor

Research Field:Service System Design
Degree:Doctor of Commerce (Waseda University)

MUNECHIKA, MasahikoProfessor

Research Field:Quality Management,Human Factors Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)

NONAKA, Tomomi professor

Research Field:Systems Engineering, Service Engineering
Degree:Doctor of Systems Engineering (Keio University)

OHNO, Takahiro Professor

Research Field:Profit Engineering,Management Information
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)

ZEMBA, Yuriko Professor

Research Field:Social psychology
Degree:Doctor of Social Psychology (The University of Tokyo)

OHMORI, Shunichi Associate Professor

Research Field:Production and Supply Chain Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)

SHIMONO, Ryoko Associate professor

Research Field:Social system and Service Management
Degree:Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)